What your Advance Directive has to do with Cookout Season.

Dedicated to Grandma Jones, Grandma Harris, and Aunt Geraldine. Rest easy - a better day is coming. There are two seasons I love - the Christmas season and COOKOUT season. *cues electric slide* Cookout season is better than any of the basic, generic, four seasons. The weather is great, the food is better than great, and … Continue reading What your Advance Directive has to do with Cookout Season.

Pokemon, Flint, and Other Problematic Behavior.

(Hi guys! So I originally had the second installment in our Can We Talk: Family Health History series scheduled for this week. However, with the healthcare bill on the Congressional floor again, this post seemed like a better fit this time. We will be back to our regular scheduled programing next week! If you missed Part One … Continue reading Pokemon, Flint, and Other Problematic Behavior.